Wealth may not repel voters, but greed does

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You report that Rishi Sunak thinks the UK has “moved beyond” judging people on their money, in the wake of the publication of the Sunday Times rich list (Rishi Sunak: Britain has moved on from judging people for being rich, 19 May).

Our research, published this month and based on a nationally representative poll of 2,000 people, shows that the reality is slightly more complicated. While Britons are broadly supportive of people who have earned their wealth by, for example, setting up a business, they look on people who have inherited wealth much less favourably. They also question whether excessively high salaries in some sectors (including the City) are deserved.

It also found that people are worried about the consequences of wealth inequality. Asked about high net worth individuals (defined as people with net wealth of more than £10m), 69% are concerned that they exist while others live in poverty; 65% worry that there are unequal opportunities to accumulate wealth; 75% worry that they have too much influence on the political system; and 79% are concerned that they don’t contribute their fair share.

This concern translates into support for taxing the wealthy – 68% of Britons think that the government should be doing more to tax high net worth individuals. This view isn’t just limited to Guardian readers – the figures broadly hold up for Conservative voters. Something for Sunak to think hard about over the next 18 months.
Will Snell
Chief executive, Fairness Foundation

Our prime minister believes that the people of Britain have moved on from blaming people for being rich. Perhaps. I am less persuaded that they have moved on from blaming rich people for being selfish to the detriment of others – for instance, by using their money to travel short distances by private jet at a time of climate crisis.
Adrian Carter
Penselwood, Somerset

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Even if the UK has moved on from judging people for being rich, it has – thankfully – not moved on from judgments based on how people become rich and, above all, on what they do with their riches.
Anthony Lawton
Church Langton, Leicestershire

While the rising cost of living is a scandal today (Rishi Sunak’s upbeat view on economy stokes claims he is out of touch, 17 May), without further action it risks becoming a long-term crisis for the people and government of this country.

Carnegie UK research shows that rising living costs mean that a third of adults can’t eat as healthily as they used to, while 16% say the crisis has led to them exercising less regularly. This research also warns that people are cutting back on social and leisure activities. About a third of people say that the crisis has hit their ability to spend time with friends, while a quarter say the same about family, increasing loneliness and social isolation.

These trends don’t just equate to misery for many today, they also signal long-term damage to our health, our quality of life and the resilience of local communities. This damage will also be extremely expensive for current and future governments to mitigate.

That’s why it is not only right but smart for policymakers to take more action now to reduce household bills rather than picking up a more expensive tab further down the track.
Sarah Davidson
Chief executive, Carnegie UK

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